integrating's Diaryland Diary


ooh, no music

Yeah, Sam can eat. I borrowed my Aunt's car the other day and there was a big carry-all bag that holds 3 or 4 bags in it from a local hamburger chain. The bag was left in the car because he didn't want to bring it in and put it in the trash. So he gorged himself with probably at least 4 hamburgers, and fries and such.

They have a local volunteer group that delivers food to home-bound individuals. I have no idea why we get 3 of them, but today Sam ate 2 of them, then they went out to lunch. !

Sam has already had a biopsy of his liver and was told he has fatty liver disease, plus he can't breathe because he smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day and the smoking of weed. He's only 38 but he is on the road to killing himself.

My Aunt pays for everything for him and doesn't say a thing about his glutting. (Looked that one up in the dictionary.) She doesn't say anything about his twice-a-year showers and nail cutting. Taking him out to eat almost everyday..and I bet he pays minimal rent.

The day will come when my Aunt has to go to a home or passes away and things will certainly change for him. The house is being willed to him, but he'll need help paying the bills, so I believe Kris and I will be needed for that, but Sam's going to have to pay his share of the bills and that's going to be a big shock to him. As it is, he spends all his money on cigarettes, weed, and take-out food.

Big shock. Big shock shock shock.

And I will probably not let him get away with not showering or clipping his nails.

Good news for me anyway, remember back in April my Aunt cut my hair? It had been about the middle of my back and she cut it above the collar. Did a butcher job on it. Well it is now sitting at the top of my shoulder blades. Not any big news to anyone reading this, but I am glad it's growing out. It's finally long enough to blow dry. I was wondering why my hair was always frizzy and I realized, duh, you need to be blow drying it.

My mom and step-dad are coming to town tomorrow and we're going to lunch. I don't even want Sam to go. His hair looks like he just got out of bed and he wears pajama pants and slippers wherever he goes. It's embarrassing. Plus he stinks real bad of cigarettes because he's constantly smoking. You could get second-hand smoke just by smelling him... I'm not kidding.

Enjoy the rest of your week wherever you are.
Sorry if I've repeated myself.

7:31 p.m. - 01.26.16


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