integrating's Diaryland Diary

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'s what's for dinner

Since I moved back I've been unable to get the printer to work with the computer. $50 I couldn't afford to fix it. So I get my money today and have it fixed. They are messing with the electricity outside and the power went off. When it came back on the computer informed me that the changes made today were unable to, whatever.

SO, the computer wouldn't do anything but show me this damn window. I had to set the computer back to yesterday just so I could get the tech support guy's number.

So I call him back. He fixes the problem again and told me if I had to call again it would be another $50. So I upgraded to the $160 plan, having to pay another $110.

After subtracting my rent I am left with $170 for the rest of the month.

Talk about eating noodles.

Now the power is back on. And I'm afraid it will go off again. I'm afraid to take a shower in case the hot water doesn't work. And I'm afraid my computer will...whatever it did again.

What do I really need a computer for anyway?

4:57 p.m. - 11.01.12


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