integrating's Diaryland Diary


"Heaven Beside You"--Alice in Chains

I can't sleep. Couldn't sleep anyway, but I went to the restroom in the dark. Came back to bed and accidentally laid on the edge of the bed.

I fell off the bed, The corner of the nightstand went up my nostril, my jerk reaction knocked it out, which quickly went into a headache. I twisted my back which is still killing me. The whole right side of my spine is in so much pain. I don't know what I kicked but my toes hurt.

It was hard to get up because there's not much room next to my bed because that's where my printer is. I finally was able to get on my hands and knees and got out of there. Now every time I move my back screams out in pain.

Oh well. My grandmother wanted me to be named Grace, so whenever I do something like this my dad says, "Way to go, Grace."

5:15 a.m. - 03.28.14


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