integrating's Diaryland Diary


\"while the phone was out\"

Tues 6:30 PM

Sunken Gardens Theater... my god. I've seen so many shows there.

Right in front of the stage, there used to be an elevated half circle. A spot that only the most die-hard of fans would even attempt.

I spent the entire L.A. Guns show precariously balanced on the edge of that elevated circle, hanging onto the sleeve of a man I did not know.

At first, he looked at me like "Uh, hello? That's my sleeve you're pulling."

And I looked at him like "Sorry dude, I'm not going anywhere."

So, there was some tension there during the opening acts.

Lucky for me he was a nice guy.

As soon as L.A. Guns hit the stage, he realized why I'd just spent the last hour pulling his sleeve to maintain my position.

Up to that point he had been nice enough to only look at me the one time. Now he was looking back at me every 5 seconds with a "ROCK ON!!" look on his face.

Fucking hilarious.

One of the guys from the band was filming everyone in the front.

It's all on an L.A. Guns home video somewhere.


Then there's the Stone Temple Pilots story. One of my all-time favorite bands.

The guy I went with... before the show, he consumed half a bottle of rum, we smoked, then he got a bag of mushrooms and promptly ate the entire bag.

I'm like "You're not supposed to eat the whole bag!"


So all through the opening acts, one of which was Butthole Surfers... he's quickly approaching unconsciousness.

I want to see Stone Temple Pilots.


I knew before they even came out I was gonna have to haul this asshole back to the car and miss the show... because this guy was a big fucker and I needed him to walk the best he could, which ended up being slumped over me.

I think I saw them play maybe 3 songs.



HIS car.

The cars parked so close together we could barely get in.

Cop parked at the end of the row. Watching me.

Watching me struggle to get this fucked-up Frankenstein to the car and stuffing him in somehow.

Watching me the whole time I was trying to get the car backed out.

I hate him to this day for that.

8:37 a.m. - 07.18.03


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