integrating's Diaryland Diary


\"conversing with the Universe\"

conversation with the Universe about 9 months ago:

me: I want to move away from here.

U: I know you want to move away, but you can't right now. There are still things you must learn.

me: pff. fine.


conversation with the Universe over the last few months:

me: I don't want to move away from here.

U: But it's time.

me: But I don't want to.

U: It's time.

me: Well I'm not going to.

U: Oh yes you are.

me: No. I'm not.

U: Wanna bet?


I'm not far enough removed from the situation to see clearly what it is I have learned, except this... You will never win an argument with the Universe.


I couldn't be in deeper doo doo, but for some reason I just feel great.


My favorite book

Where The Wild Things Are


The previous quote by Rilke... Thom Yorke said the same thing when he said, "What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here."


la la la

6:29 p.m. - 09.09.03


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